Happines....what is happiness? To my own understanding of the word,
happiness is that deep feelings of satisfaction you have at a point in time of your life. That fulfilled feelings you have when things go just the way you want them to. Most people believe that getting supper rich is the true meaning of happiness. Well,is that true? What about if we ask the richest person on the planet? What if he tells us that is not truly happy because of one thing or the other,like having some regrets over some past events?

The real Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher of the third and fourth century BCE, said that happiness doesn't come from products that signal one's appreciation of high-end great cuisine from the best chef,that we might never have tasted. Now where, then, does happiness come from? Epicurus devoted his school of philosophy to finding an answer to this ancient question, and this brief animated introductio,by Alain de Botton's School of Life

Epicurus observed, as de Botton puts it, that "we typically make three mistakes when thinking about happiness." First: "We think happiness means having romantic, sexual relationships," never considering the likelihood of them being "marred by jealousy, misunderstanding, cheating, and bitterness."

Second: "We think that what we need to be happy is a lot of money," without factoring in "the unbelievable sacrifices we're going to have to make to get this money: the jealousy, the backbiting, the long hours." Third: "We obsess over luxury, "especially involving houses and beautiful serene locations" (nowadays, expensive cars,lastest gadgets,which we end up having and complain later).

Epicurus concluded that,only three things can truly ensure real happiness. Number one: "Your friends around," which led the philosopher to buy a big house and share it with all his friends. ("No sex, no orgy," de Botton emphasizes, "just your mates.") Well if we sincerely and honestly think about this, during our childhood,we tend to stay happy in every circumstance, because there are friends that we care about around. Even as we grow up with those friends still around,we find real happiness in our hearts,no worries,no regrets because solve problems together and it always feel good doing things together with your real friends.

Number two: "Stop working for others and do your own work, which the members of Epicurus' community did in the form of farming, cooking, potting, and writing. Number three: Find calm not outside your abode or within or around you, but cultivated within your own mind by "reflecting, writing stuffs down, reading things, meditating." The big meta-lesson: "Human beings aren't very good at making themselves happy, chiefly because they think it's so easy." We think that finding happiness is a simple thing to do,that when we get some things that we need,or want or desire,that we are going to be happy afterwards. After getting those things,we end up not happy sooner or later.

Your suggestions are welcomed too,😀


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