Must the same death that killed the fowl seller also kill the goat seller?
One day,wife of a fowl seller went to befriend a goat seller. The goat seller - who was enjoying what was happening between them,asked the wife of the fowl seller that if her husband is to be killed,how was he going to catch and kill him?

The wife replied - knew her husband in and out,that he doesn't play with his fowls; "When it's midnight, disturb the fowls by shaking their house vigorously, whenever my husband hears the noise of his fowls he would come out to check." Then the goat seller hired some  men to help him carry out his evil plan. They did just how the wife had  told him and they gathered to kill the fowl seller.

The fowl seller then became the wife of the goat seller and they started enjoying each other.
One day,the former fowl seller wife,now goat seller wife,found another man,a cow seller to befriend again. The cow seller, enjoying the pleasurable things between the wife of the goat seller,the former fowl seller. He decided that they kill the goat seller,her husband so she could move in with him. The he asked "how are we going to catch and kill your husband,the goat seller? The wife replied; "if you're to kill my husband,you should disturb the goats in the midnight,he would come out whenever he hears his goats noise."

So the cow seller came as planned with some hired men to help him kill the goat seller. They disturbed the goats, whipped them. Their noise woke the goat seller, on hearing the noise then he remembered how himself and some others had gathered to kill the fowl seller back then. He Smiled! Then went back to bed pretended to be sleeping.

The wife slapped him,spanked him, shouted at him,even tickled him
The goat seller didn't answer her. Then after a long pretence, suddenly,he yelled at her and said; Must the same death that killed the fowl seller kill the goat seller?

Bear in mind that whenever somebody come to gossip about someone to you,they are still going to gossip about you to someone else. Some people are natural backbiters. Stay clear from them,and if you must listen to them be wary of what you say to them. Don't face where they face while sleeping. Don't indulge in the same attitude as them. They are trying to share their back luck with you.

 They are trying to bring you down to their levels. You must not fall for their trap. They want you to fall victim as the person they gossiping about too. This is a little piece of advice and one should take it to heart 💓


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