1. The Door to Hell - Turkmenistan
This is not a myth or some imaginary places you might want to think of.
This scary spot was once a gas field, but the Soviets set it on fire. The fire has been burning for over 40 years, and shows no real signs of stopping anytime soon.

2. Cat Island - Japan
Tashirojima has a population of one hundred humans, and almost triple the amount of cats. Originally, the cats were brought to the island to hunt mice - the island is a large producer of silk, and mice eat silkworms. Now, the cat population has gotten somewhat out of control, but many don't seem to mind. Local fishermen regarded them as good luck and the island even has a cat shrine, along with newly built cat shaped cabins for tourists to stay in. So go ahead and have a visit. You will enjoy it.

3. Socotra Island - Yemen
Socotra has incredible biodiversity, including plants and trees that are not found anywhere else in the world, including these peculiar trees.

4. The Catacombs - Paris, France
This is a network of old quarry tunnels beneath the city and the final resting place of around six million Parisians. Most are anonymous, taken from the city’s overcrowded graveyards in former centuries. Now, tourists can walk through the creepy underground graveyard

5.Island of the Dolls - Xochimilco, Mexico
According to local legend, a girl died in the canals surrounding this island. After her death, dolls began to wash onto its shores. The island's only resident took to hanging the dolls in honor of the dead little girl


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