Recycling is an act make something new from something that has been used before, Metal recycling can be defined as an act of converting waste product into reusable material.
    metal recycling has been useful to the people since century ago, it contribute to the economy of the country.

Business opportunities in metal recycling: Traditionally, metal recycling has been regarded as a profitable business opportunity at an entrepreneurial level,  a common entry point into the metal recycling business is through starting scrap metal collection business or becoming a scrap metal vendor.
metal recycling preserves characteristic assets.
It likewise decreases the measure of waste that is covered or consumed, barely perfect approaches to dispose of the stuff.
metal recycling reduces the level of waste material that could cause hazard to the environment.
 Utilize  materials in the production of goods and services.
you don't need to mine metals,
Metals can be classified as ferrous, or non-ferrous. Ferrous metals are combinations of iron with carbon. Some common ferrous metals include carbon steel, alloy steel, wrought iron, and cast iron.
On the other hand, non-ferrous metals include aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, and tin. Precious metals are non-ferrous. The most common precious metals include gold, platinum, silver, iridium, and palladium.

Following are the main stages in a metal recycling process:

Collection: The collection process for metals differs than that for other materials because of higher scrap value. As such, it is more likely to be sold to scrap yards than sent to the landfill. The largest source of scrap  is from scrap vehicles. Other sources include large steel structures, railroad tracks, ships, farm equipment, and of course, consumer scrap. Prompt scrap, which is created in the course of new product manufacturing.

Sorting: Sorting involves separating metals from the mixed scrap metal stream or the mixed multi-material waste stream. In automated recycling operations, magnets and sensors are used to aid in material separation.

Processing: To allow further processing, metals are shredded. Shredding is done to promote the melting process as small shredded metals have a large surface to volume ratio. As a result, they can be melted using comparatively less energy.

Melting: Scrap metal is melted in a large furnace. Each metal is taken to a specific furnace designed to melt that particular metal. A considerable amount of energy is used in this step. Still, as mentioned above, the energy required to melt and recycle metals is much less than the energy that is needed to produce metals using virgin raw materials
Purification: Purification is done to ensure the final product is of high quality and free of contaminants. One of the most common methods used for purification is Electrolysis.

Solidifying: After purification, melted metals are carried by the conveyor belt to cool and solidify the metals. In this stage, scrap metals are formed into specific shapes such as bars that can be easily used for the production of various metal products.

Transportation of the Metal Bars: Once the metals are cooled and solidified, they are ready to use. They are then transported to various factories where they are used as raw material for the production of brand new products.

When the products made of these metal bars comes to the end of their useful life, the metal recycling process start again.

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